
About Us

You do not need to have a disease to benefit from Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine helps you to identify any deficiencies or dysfunction before you are diagnosed with a disease.

Get to know your true health status by diving into your biochemistry, nutrition, hormones, sleep, gut function, and immune health.

Identify what is at the root of your symptoms, so you can begin to change your health for good.

Functional Medicine is the future of healthcare

What Makes Us Different:

Our goal is to help you find the root cause of your health conditions rather than just chase after symptoms with medication. We believe that healthcare should be a partnership between the patient and practitioner. And we emphasize patient education and empowerment, so that you have all the tools necessary to take control of your health. 

At Mindful Health, we treat the whole person.

We see each patient as a unique interplay between their own genetics, environment, and lifestyle. We look at each body system and take into consideration how each one affects the other— including the gut, hormones, cardiovascular system, immune system and mind.

Dr. Saltzman will help you understand how all these systems interact, and teach you how to restore function at the cellular level so that your body can once again find balance and perform optimally. 

“Functional Medicine is like being a health detective. It’s all about helping people figure out what is at the root of their problem. I am not concerned with ‘what’  they have as much as ‘why’ they have it.”

-sheila saltzman