Upcoming Events

‘Ladies Night’

Next Event: April 2024

Hosted by: Mindful Health SLO and Chart Your Cycle

Join us for this FREE community lecture to better understand your menstrual cycle. Learn how to use the Fertility Awareness Method to identify your most fertile days. This is a helpful tool to use when trying to conceive; or can be used as a method to avoid unintentional pregnancy without having to use prescription birth control.

Learn what your cycle can tell you about your overall health.

We will also discuss what causes irregular or missed periods, PMS, PMD, PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis.

You will not only learn how to chart your cycle, but also what to do to regain balance and minimize symptoms.

There will be time for Q&A, so come ready to join the conversation.

Space is limited.

Please contact to reserve your spot.



McAlister Training

4420 Broad St. Unit B, SLO, CA

Next Event: June 2024


Do you have an injury but you’re not sure if you need to stop or modify your fitness activity?

Schedule your sports injury screen to have a doctor of physical therapy assess your injury and help you identify what could be causing your pain.

Recommendations provided: including corrective exercise, recovery strategies, and/or referral to Orthopedic specialist if necessary.

15 min individual time slots.

Please call Sheila (805) 457-8860 or sign up at gym location to reserve your spot.

What Happens During ‘PERIMENOPAUSE’?

Managing Perimenopause Symptoms: Chasing a Moving Target

  • Many women notice around age 45 that fat seems to accumulate at their waistline more easily. And no matter what they try, it will not go away. This is typically due to fluctuations in hormones. Many women are told by their gynocologists that this is “normal”, so they just accept this as a natural sign of aging.

    Well, this isn’t entirely true.

    There are some steps you can take to minimize these changes, and to assure that your symptoms do not get worse as you transition into full menopause.

    First, it is helpful to understand what it causing this change, then you can work towards rebalancing your hormones with a personalized lifestyle medicine approach.

    Belly fat, specifically visceral and abdominal fat, increases during menopause when changes in hormones begin to shift fat storage patterns. Abdominal fat is biochemically different and more metabolically active than subcutaenous fat stored in other areas of the body. Abdominal fat secretes more pro-inflammatory cytokines. This type of fat has been linked with insulin resistance, impaired glucose control, and overall higher cardiometabolic disease risk and breast cancer risk. This means that preventing or reversing belly fat is a critical step in managing a woman’s overall health, and not just her appearance.

    It is important to understand that this is a multifaceted approach – encompassing an understanding of how changes in sex hormones interact with other endocrine systems such as the thyroid and adrenals. While these changes seem to come on suddenly and ‘out of nowhere’, the best time to implement a lifestyle medicine approach is in the years leading up to a woman’s final mentral cycle— rather than waiting until mentration has ceased.

  • Here are the ‘Top 5 Hormonal Changes’ associated with the transition into menopause:

    1. Estrogen and estrogen dominance: Menopause is often thought of as the loss of estrogen. But the road from pre- to post-menopause is paved with many fluctuations in your estrogen levels. Often times, it is actually estrogen ‘dominance’ that occurs in perimenopause. During this time, we begin to get a decline in progesterone. This reduced progesterone coupled with high and/or erratic estrogen is usually what is contributing to the onset of these symptoms.

    Estrogen does decline, but it is in relative ‘excess’ compared to the sudden drop in progesterone. Estrogen dominance at this age is slightly different than estrogen dominance in your reproductive years. Rather than having issues with too much estrogen production or poor estrogen clearance, it is more likely that this ‘dominance’ is related to this decline in progesterone.

    This is why women of this age first start to notice hot flashes, missed periods, and changes in their sleep quality.

    As the weight starts to accumulate, the problem gets worse. Estrogen also gets produced in adipose tissue. So while you think your estrogen is decreasing due to your ovaries making less of it, you are actually now making more estrogen simply due to the added adipose (fat) tissue accumulating in your abdomen. This can become a viscious cycle which becomes increasingly more challenging to break. Aromatase enzymes, responsible for converting androgens (testosterone) to estrogens, are more active in visceral adipose tissue of post-menopausal women. This is why it is so important to get ahead of this in these perimenopausal years, rather than waiting until you have officially reached menopause.

    You have a few years to work towards regaining balance before it becomes increasingly more difficult to rebalance insulin, cortisol, and estrogens.

    2. Cortisol: Dysregularion of your HPA axis may cause excess cortisol production, resulting in increased visceral fat and metabolic disturbances such as insulin resistance. HPA axis is the communication between our brain to our adrenals, known as hypothalmus-pituitary-adrenal-axis (HPA axis).

    Increased production of cortisol is common in post-menopausal women. Studies have shown an increased conversion of cortisone (inactive) to cortisol (active), indicating that increased cortisol conversion could also be contributing to metabolic dysfunction in these women.

    Declining estrogen levels during menopause can have an effect on cortisol formation, and conversion enzymes have been shown to be upregulated particularly in visceral fat in post-menopausal compared with pre-menopausal women. This higher cortisol then contributes to further cortisol-induced aromatase activity, causing even more converstion of your already low testosterone levels to even more estrogen.

    As you can see, this becomes increasingly more frustrating— the system continues to feed forward and it becomes more difficult to break this cycle.

    3. Insulin: Fat cells accumulating in the abdomen are associated with insulin resistance (ie: poor glucose/carbohydrate tolerance). This is because the pro-inflammatory cytokines that are produced by abdominal fat interfere with insulin signaling. This results in the cells becoming less responsive to insulin, creating a cycle where greater production of insulin is required to manage blood glucose levels.

    Insulin is a “gatekeeper” of metabolism. Rising insulin levels can set off a chain reaction that ultimately leads to a cycle of weight and abdominal fat gain.

    Insulin can also lower production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Lower SHBG results in more free androgens and estrogens in circulation, again resulting in more visceral fat mass gained due to excess estrogens.

    4. Leptin: Elevated insulin levels then have an effect on Leptin. Leptin is the hormone that signals satiety. Elevated insulin levels eventually lead to elevated leptin. But rather than increasing satiety and causing us to eat less, consistently elevated leptin levels lead to a dysfunction of leptin receptors. This causes those receptors to stop sending signals to the brain to tell you to stop eating. This is known as leptin resistance, and can make the problem worse, since you will now have increased hunger signaling. This mechanism is complex, but it is important to note that it is often made worse with high intakes of refined carbohydrates.

    Therfore, managing your blood glucose and not overeating refined carbohydrates can be helpful in the management of perimenopause symptoms.

    5. Thyroid hormones: Thyroid hormones can also become unbalanced as we age. Thyroid hormone is the one which regulates how quickly we burn calories and maintains our metabolism. If your thyroid is underactive, you may develop symptoms such as muscle weakness, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, and weight gain.

    Therefore it can be helpful to have your thyroid assessed as part of your anual labwork. You may be in a “normal” range according to your doctor, but an “underactive” range compared to what is ‘normal’ for you. So looking for trends in your thyroid hormone production, as well as conversionof T 4 to active T3, is an important part of managing perimenopause symptoms.

  • Many conventional medicine providers will have you believe that once your hormones change with menopause, abdominal adiposity cannot be reversed. However this is not entirely true.

    Addressing hormones such as cortisol and insulin, and even thyroid, can have an impact.

    By making modest and sustainable changes to dietary intake, you can make a shift towards reducing these changes in your body composition. 

    Consider factors that influence insulin levels, such as overeating, or high carbohydrate intake, and intake of quick burning refined carbohydrates which require greater insulin to manage spikes in glucose levels.

    It can be helpful to remove inflammatory foods (alcohol, fried foods, refined grains, processed seed oils, or dairy). It can also help to remove your personal trigger foods, such as those that do not agree with you. This is where and IgA/IgG food-sensitivity panel can be helpful. Since inflammation can contribute to insulin resistance, we want to figure out which foods are inflammatory for you. Testing to look for heightened immune response to certain foods can be very helpful for you to figure out which foods may be contributing to your sudden weight gain.

    Adding foods rich in antioxidants will also help to promote detoxification. Estrogen is cleared via the liver the same way that environmenal pollutants and medications are. Having good liver detoxification pathways helps to eliminate any excess estrogen production.

    Try eliminating alcohol which can effect your sleep quality, and also further contribute to inflammation.

    Choosing your macronutrients to match your activity, as well as timing your meals with your exercise and sleep schedule can also be helpful. There are many different time-restricted feeding (TRF) protocols available. This is a type of intermittent fasting in which food is consumed during a specified number of hours per day, so that your body can expend those calories during the other hours. This is a helpful weight loss strategy that does not deprive you of calories, but does promote improved use of stored fat for fuel.

    It may be helpful to consult with a professional to determine if you would benefit from modifying your exercise routine.

    For example:

    -High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) promotes increased caloric expenditure post-exercise.

    -Low-intensity long-duration aerobic activity allows you to burn more stored body fat.

    -Weight lifting requires usage of stored glucose, to help lower blood sugar; and also builds muscle to help increase your resting metabolism.

    -Yoga or Qigong practice has been show to help lower morning waking cortisol levels.

    These are all effective strategies in resetting your metabolism and providing a new stimulus for the body to continue changing. But it may be helpful to ask for guidance for the appropriate recommendations.

    Menopause and Perimenopause also bring changes in sleep quality due to the decrease in Progesterone. This is a time when restorative sleep is very important. 

    Many studies have repeatedly shown a correlation between sleep duration and the risk of obesity and central adiposity.

    Those who sleep 7-8 hours per night have been shown to accumulate less visceral fat mass than those sleeping for ≤6 hours per night.

    Sleep deprivation has been shown to result in changes in leptin, greater feelings of hunger, dietary indiscretion, reduced physical activity, and insulin resistance. Therefore sleep should be a priority while working towards managing perimemopasue symptoms.

    There are many helpful strategies to help improve the number of hours of quality sleep you are able to obtain. It is best to manage this by adjusting the time you eat your last meal, or making a slight change in your macronutrients at dinner time, or even with some gentle supplementation, rather than depending on sleep aids.

    Sleep aids often do not address the cause of the poor sleep quality, and only act to mask the problem rather than address the cause.

As you can see, managing changes in body composition during the Perimenopause years requires a multi-faceted approach that looks across multiple body systems, addresses lifestyle changes, and looks towards regaining optimal health— rather than just taking a weight loss aid or immediately starting on hormone replacement.

Here at Mindful Health, we do just that…. we help you address all the causes that make up your current metabolic state.

Diet. Exercise. Thyroid. Cortisol. Insulin. Detoxification. Sleep.

Let us help you find your balance. Click the link below to set up an appointment today.


Is it as simple as it sounds?


Simple, right?!

The best way to explain the Gut-Brain Axis is to first clarify that this connection is controlled by your AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. That’s the part of your nervous system that you don’t have voluntary control over (like your pupils constricting in bright light, or your blood vessels dilating during exercise). 

Our Autonomic nervous system is made up of 2 parts: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic. 

Sympathetic is know as “fight or flight” activity, and Parasympathetic is known as “rest and digest”.  While this is a very simple way of thinking about it, it is actually far more complex than that. 

Strong evidence is now suggesting that our GUT MICROBIOTA actually plays a role in the bidirectional communication between our gut and nervous system. 

The “bugs” in our gut actually interact with our central nervous system by regulating brain chemistry that controls neuro-endocrine signaling.

If you have turned to the internet to learn more about improving digestion, or managing symptoms of anxiety or depression, then you have most likely come across information on the Parasympathetic nervous system. We activate this when we participate in calming activities such as yoga, meditation, journaling, or breathwork. These are all great activities for calming our over-active sympathetic nervous systems. 

But what if these activities are not working for you?

Then you may need to do more to stimulate your Vagus Nerve. The vagus nerve is known at the 10th cranial nerve (CN). It lies on the underside of our brain and actually controls our gag-reflex. If you are not familiar with cranial nerves. We have 12 of them. They are the nerves that control sensation and motor control of our face. (Others include CN6 which turns your eyes outward. CN5 controls sensation in your face. CN1 is your olfactory nerve and controls your sense of smell).

The Vagus nerve is special because is leaves the brain and wanders down the body alongside our spinal cord. Vagus comes from the root ‘vag’, or ‘to wander’.  Once out of the brain, the vagus nerve is the mastermind behind controlling our parasympathetic activity. 

So, if the usual strategies such as meditation or journaling have not worked for you in the past, then you might benefit from specific Vagus nerve exercises. Since this nerve also controls our gag reflex, it can be stimulated by things like singing, humming, laughing, and gargling strongly. The best strategy is to perform these types of activities for a minimum of 10min 2x/per day. 

There is a lot of talk now about improving Parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) activity via the vagus nerve, since this will lower Sympathetic (“fight or flight”) activity.

But have you stopped to think why that is? 

There is some very complex neurological signaling that happens at our spinal cord and brainstem level that keeps our autonomic nervous system in balance.

The vagus nerve sends signals to our brain that then processes that information and controls a variety of tasks such as neurotransmitter production, hormones production, gastrointestinal reflexes such as gastric emptying and intestinal paristalsis, and even the release of enzymes to digest your food.

This is why GI symptoms go hand in hand with mood disorders such as Anxiety and Depression.

Here’s a brief look at how it works:

1️⃣ Stress: Whether it is emotional stress, physical (too much or too little exercise), chemical (food sensitivities), or chronic infections… this increases sympathetic activity, resulting in impaired digestion. Sympathetic activity also decreases blood flow to your stomach because blood is being shunted to your muscles to prepare your body to respond to the impending stress.
2️⃣ This results in decreased parasympathetic activity .

3️⃣ Causing less signaling to the brain to make important hormones and enzymes.

4️⃣ Resulting in impaired digestion of your food.

5️⃣ Undigested food enters your small intestine, where it ferments and creates an imbalance of your gut microbiota. This is known as dysbiosis.

6️⃣ Dysbiosis results in poor digestion, causing belching, gas, bloating, and poor absorption of nutrients.

7️⃣ Nutritonal deficiencies then result in even less production of specific hormones and neurotransmitters that rely on these nutrients for their production.

This is a very simple explanation as to why GI symptoms and mood issues often go hand in hand.

*The description above is just one example. Gut dysbiosis does not always present as GI symptoms. In fact, many people that have sensitivity to specific foods (such as gluten) can report mood issues as their only complaint, even without having any direct digestion symptoms.

The point here is that the GUT-BRAIN AXIS is actually a neuroendocrine pathway that relies heavily on the health of our digestion.

If you have been struggling with anxiety and/or depression, and have not had success with the usual tips of trying to “relax more”, then it might be time to take a look at what’s happening in your gut. 

Functional Medicine is a whole-person approach to treating a variety of symtpoms. At Mindful Health, we help you look for the true cause of your symptoms. Gut-Brain Axis dysregulation is a multifaceted issue and often requires a full gut healing protocol.

Even if you are not local to San Luis Obispo, we can help you navigate this through a telehealth visit. There are so many things that you can do on your own to help improve activity of your vagus nerve, and ultimately get back on track.

I’d love to explain this to you in more detail. If you suspect that you have disruption in your GUT-BRAIN signaling or you haven’t had success with other approaches in the past, please reach out. 

I have some wonderful Vagus Nerve handouts that I could send you if you’d like to learn more.



Why are Omega-3’s Good for me

Learn why these essential fatty acids are so helpful in managing pain and inflammation

Why is FISH OIL so GOOD for me?

I think it’s safe to say that we all know the benefits of fish oil by now, right?

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Helps reduce pain

  • Good for brain health

  • Reduces cardiovascular risk

  • Better skin, hair, and eye health 

  • Helps reduce asthma symptoms

  • Faster recovery from surgery

  • and the list goes on….

But why?

I asked a friend recently why he was taking fish oil everyday. His reply was “Because I’m supposed to”.

He did not know how it worked, why it was beneficial, or even what dosage he should be taking.

So here is a quick crash course in what’s known as the Arachodonic Acid cascade. This explains why we want to consume a greater amount of healthy Omega-3 oils (walnut, chia, flax, fish oil) and less pro-inflammatory Omega-6 oils.

Omega 3 starts out as Linoleic acid (LA). It goes through multiple conversions, via different enzymes, and ultimately gets converted to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA ( docosahexaenoic acid)- the 2 active products we look for in fish oil. 


Omega 6 starts out as Alpha Linoleic acid (ALA), and then via those same enzymes that convert your omega-3’s, it gets converted to arachidonic acid. Too much arachidonic acid can be inflammatory because it results in the release of prostaglandins which are what cause inflammation. There are benefits to Omega-6 oils (such as borage oil and evening primrose oil), but when your ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 (O3:O6) is not balanced, this can be very PRO-INFLAMMATORY.

This is why eating a diet high in Omega-6 oils (from seeds and grains) is unhealthy for us. This is why the Standard American Diet, which is high in processed grain and seed oils, results in so many health issues. In fact, high intake of animal products such as dairy and meat also results in increased production of arachidonic acid.

By eating foods rich in O3 fatty acids, you compete for the same  enzymes as the O6 pathway— this promotes conversion to healthy EPA and DHA rather than pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid.  When arachodonic acid is produced, it sets off the arachidonic acid cascade, setting off a series of immune reactions which result in inflammation. This is your immune system's response to any recognized threat (such as an injury or infection). Once our immune system recognizes a threat, it sends pro-inflammatory cytokines to an area. This is why the area gets inflamed. It is filling up with blood carrying cells from your immune system. This is essentially your immune system’s “clean up crew”. 

We actually want this when we have an acute infection or injury. 

However when an area of the body has prolonged chronic inflammation, this inflammation actually becomes damaging. And can result in degeneration of a joint (think long-term osteoarthritis of the knee). In order to stop this cycle, we need to stop this inflammatory cascade.

The drug companies are well aware of how this works. They have figured out how to create what are called COX (cyclooxyrgenase) and LOX (lipoxygenase) inhibitors. These are enzymes involved in the inflammatory process. The most common forms of drugs that inhibit these pathways are aspirin and NSAIDS (Aleve, Advil, etc). 

What the drug companies don’t want you to know is that you can manipulate your Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio to get the same effect.  By increasing your intake of healthy Omega 3 fats, you can improve your O3:O6 balance.

To explain this better, it is not necessarily HOW MUCH Omega 3 or 6 you consume, but the RATIO between them.  You ideally want this ratio between 1:1 to 1:3. Meaning you have a 1:1 ratio of Omega 3:6 in your blood, and no more than 3'x’s the amount of Omega 6 compared to Omega 3. Anything higher than this is a good indication that you are producing pro-inflammatory cytokines. A Standard American Diet high in processed seed oils, grains, and grain fed animals can result in a ratio as high a 1:10. Not good!

So if you’ve gone on a splurge that involved some consumption of high omega-6 sunflower oil (snack foods), or you indulged in a recent Labor Day BBQ and outdid yourself with consumption of chips, grilled meat, or full fat ice cream…. then you may want to increase your dose of Omega-3’s for a few days to bring yourself back in balance.

Fish oil isn’t the only way— walnuts are actually super high in O3 as well. The tricky part there is that your body has to go through a few steps to convert the LA in walnuts to EPA and DHA.  So this is why good quality fish oil is beneficial for us. 

  1. Make sure you are taking a therapeutic dose. Too little won’t do anything, and too much could be dangerous and thin your blood.

  2. Make sure it is 3rd party tested to be pure and clean of heavy metals.

  3. Make sure it is fresh. Do not buy in bulk. O3 is a delicate oil and can easily oxidize. Keep your bottle away from heat, light and oxygen. I recommend keeping it in the fridge. If you’ve had an open bottle greater than 3 months, and it has not been kept in the fridge. Toss it.  If you have liquid form, and it smells “off” (like paint), toss it. This means it has spoiled. This is no longer good for you. Once oxidized, it converts to a trans fat, which ultimately has the opposite effect from what you want.

Things to remember:

DHA for brain health

EPA to reduce inflammation

Look for at least 600mg EPA and 250mg DHA

When working with clients that are suffering from chronic pain and inflammation, I usually start them on a dose of 750mg combined EPA/DHA 2x/day (total of 1500mg EPA/DHA per day). 

Check your bottle at home. What dose are you currently taking?

There are many other natural agents that work just as well as NSAIDS for blocking these inflammatory pathways. These include ginger, turmeric, boswellia (indian frankincense), bromelain (from pineapple), ECGC in green tea.

We do offer Fatty Acid (Omega 3, 6, 9) testing in the clinic. Now offering at-home finger stick options so that you do not have to go to a lab for a blood draw.  

Message me if you are interested in learning more about testing.

Has your skin finally had enough?

Face coverings have become a new way of life for us. And it is starting to wreak havoc on our skin. Many of us have started experiencing dermatitis and acne in the areas covered by our masks. 

You are not alone! I am also starting to notice that my pores have become clogged under my mask. And I decided to do something about it!

Wearing a covering over our faces actually creates a new ecosystem on our skin. This dark and moist environment is high in CO2 and low in O2. This type of ecosystem is prime for proliferation of pathogens. So any sort of bacteria that does get introduced to your face from your mask has a perfect environment to thrive. 

Then of course, the more we try to clean and strip our face to unclog our pores, the more we strip away the healthy microbiome and the barrier layer that normally exists on our skin to protect us.

The best way to protect your skin against pathogens is to:

  1. Support the function of your skin rather than stripping it. 

  2. Swap your mask for a more breathable type of fabric that is made of natural fibers.

  3. Use steam to open up pores rather than harsh irritating exfoliators and astringent type of products.

  4. Protect your skin with an oil, serum, or non-pore-clogging cream to support the function of the lipid layer. This will maintain the hydration of the skin and prevent irritation from the rubbing of the mask.

  5. Avoid inflammatory food triggers such as dairy, sugar, and alcohol. I know it’s easier to slap some skin care product on and call it a day, but acne breakouts are due to inflammation— so in order to reduce inflammation, we need to follow an anti-inflammation protocol. This involves eating a balanced whole food diet, making sure to get sufficient amounts of healthy Omega 3 fats, avoid overeating of high fat animal products and keep excess sugar and alcohol out of our diets for a little while.

  6. Start from the inside by making sure your digestion is on track and your stress levels are under control. Impairments in these may also be contributing to ongoing acne, and it would be beneficial to simultaneously address these while following the acne protocol.

  7. Lastly…. try supplementing with specific nutraceuticals to assist in reducing sebum production , lowering inflammation, and promoting healing to avoid any scarring from current acne.

I know many of you are going through this with me- so I created an easy to follow protocol to help you improve your skin function, promote a thriving defense system, and to help you calm and reverse any current breakout you might be experiencing. 


  • VITAMIN B5 (aka Pantothenic Acid) is well established for adrenal support, energy production, and for supporting production of melatonin. And it is also as effective as the drug Accutane in treating acne. While Accutane shrinks sebaceous glands, Pantothenic acid reduces oil production by increasing coenzyme A, which increases the metabolic breakdown of oils, including sebum. It is also associated with skin softening (hence why you sometimes see it in ‘hair-skin-nails’ formulas).

  • L- CARNITINE helps convert fat to energy. It is a cofactor that is required for the metabolism of fats and their transport into the mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation and produce energy in the cell. It is an important amino acid for heart muscle function and helps to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 

    • By enhancing the metabolism of fats and oils, you ultimately reduce excess sebum produced by the skin. Less sebum means less food for acne-causing bacteria, which means less acne.

  • VITAMIN B3 (aka Niacinamide or Nicotinamide) works as an anti-inflammatory. Niacinamide is used in some skin care products to improve epidermal barrier function, improve pigment disorders, and slow the signs of aging. Nicotinamide can be used both orally and topically. (More on this in a future post).

While Pantothenic Acid and L-Carnitine optimize the breakdown of fats released by the sebaceous gland, reducing congestion and preventing acne from forming, Niacinamide is beneficial for its anti-inflammatory effects. 

This combination is effective enough to help with most cases of acne, even severe or of long duration. 

I use a similar protocol for treating hormone-related acne and it is a very effective approach for those deep cystic type of pimples.

Take orally:

🔘Pantothenic acid 500 mg 1-3x day

🔘L-carnitine 250mg 1-3x a day

🔘Niacinamide 500 mg 1x a day

*As always, start low and go slow. 

Start with 1x/day for mild cases.

Increase to 2x/day if no improvement seen after 1wk.

Increase to 3x/day for the most stubborn cases.

While the first step to stopping breakouts is to reduce oil production, the second step is just as important, because you could potentially make the problem worse if you don’t treat your skin properly while trying to improve its condition.

In this post, I want to discuss the importance of Proper Skin Care and provide you with specific strategies to help you start making improvements in your skin today. This step is very strategic if you are still having an active eruptions. I recommend starting with the supplements to stop sebum production, as this is just as important as your skin care routine.


  1. Open Pores using steam. You can use clean warm towels gently draped over your face, or use actual steam. Boil water in large pot. Remove from stove and place on low table. Place towel over your head to help capture steam, and lean over the mist that rises from the pot, taking care not to get too close to the hot steam. Allow the steam to gently open your pores for 5-10min.

  2. Draw out impurities. Do not exfoliate yet if you have active pimples. Use a SULFUR SOAP to help dry out the pimples while also naturally pulling out bacteria and debris from the pores. These are inexpensive and can be found on Amazon (I use Grisi brand).

  3. Support the skin’s natural Microbiome- This topic is becoming increasingly more popular. But just like the biome in your gut, the natural bacteria on our skin varies from person to person, and finding the right product can be tricky and actually make things worse before it gets better. So rather than applying a topical microbiome product, I encourage removal of your mask as much as possible. The CO2 trapped inside of our mask promotes overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. Remove your mask when not necessary. Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen.

  4. Reduce Inflammation - Splashing cold water after your skin cleansing routine to calm the skin, close pores, and reduce inflammation is beneficial. But resistant acne sometimes needs more help than this. I recommend using a product with B3 (active niacin, or nicotinimade). Metabolic maintenance has a skincare line called Naturally clear that makes a fantastic topical spray that you can spray on after cleansing. I recommend doing this at night at home when you can keep your mask off. Try to minimize use of products under your mask besides things that protect your skin’s barrier.

  5. Exfoliate- This is only recommended if you have stopped having active eruptions. Once your acne is a bit “dryer” and not producing as much oil, then you can start using a product that will help with gentle exfoliation. Nothing with harsh enzymatic treatments (like glycolic acid). Instead, use something with a small amount of grittiness to mechanically debride the skin and remove dead skin cells. My favorite is another Naturally Clear product called “Scrub”, because it also contains B3. Be gentle though, don’t “scrub” too harshly. 

  6. Protect the Skin Barrier- This is the only product I would actually recommend having on under your mask. After your skincare routine, apply a thin layer of a hypoallergenic non-pore glogging lotion or serum. This will reintroduce any moisture that was removed during your cleansing routine, but also add a protective layer to protect your skin from the constant rubbing of the mask.

  7. Protect against scarring. This is the same thing that I tell my patients after surgery. Any red areas on the skin will permanently remain red if exposed to UV rays. So when outdoors without your mask, please apply your favorite face sunblock. Zinc products are preferred. But make sure to look for one that is non-pore clogging.

I know this has been a struggle for many of us. And since we don’t know how much longer we will all be wearing masks, it is helpful to start making changes today that will make our skin more resiliant to the environment under our masks.

Please message me if you have any questions about this routine.

Our skin is our largest organ. It has it’s own microbiome. It is our first defense against pathogens. Healthy skin is important to a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s take good care of it.


Be MINDFUL about your HEALTH


What You Should Know Before You Start a “Parasite-Cleanse”

This past week was sort of unusual. I had two different patients come to me wanting to do a “parasite cleanse”. According to their research online, they had multiple symptoms- including brain fog, allergies, skin rashes, abdominal pain and constipation. Parasite infections can cause a wide variety of symptoms such as those, and can also result in decreased energy, increased hunger or loss of appetite, sleep issues, diarrhea, itching, or just an overall feeling that you are not well. 

I can appreciate why they thought they might have parasites. Afterall, these symptoms are pretty vague and do overlap with other conditions. The danger in this however is self-treatment. Parasite cleanses can be very harsh and can greatly disrupt your hemeostasis (your body’s balance). They can have uncomfortable side effects, and they can even wipe out a lot of your beneficial gut microbiota.

I made this mistake in my 20’s. Much like my current patients, I found information online. I followed the protocols listed and used some powerful herbs like wormwood and black walnut hull to “self treat”. Not only did it not clear up my symptoms, it made me feel terrible. And truthfully, I never really knew that the cause of my symptoms at the time had anything to do with parasites in the first place. 

I hope you can learn from my past mistakes.

So when my patients had the same suspicions, I did what I usually do-  I suggested testing before treating. So we sent away for a comprehensive stool analysis, with microscopic parasitology….

When people do have active parasite infections, doctors will prescribe medications that are effective at interfering with the parasite’s energy metabolism, which ultimately leads to killing off of the parasites. However, these medications can result in drug resistance and some nasty side effects. Parasites, like bacteria, fight for their survival; and the more a drug is used, the more resistant the pathogen can become. The drug then loses its’ effectiveness, and treatment gets progressively more difficult. These medications can also result in digestive upset, headaches, rashes, folate deficiency, microbial disruption and/or liver damage. 

So when one of my patients told me that she was going to have her friend mail her some anti-parasitic medication from South America (YIKES! Please NO!)— I thought I should do my part to offer up some education on the matter.

Prescription medications are very effective, and may be prescribed by your doctor if you do have an active pathogenic infection, as see in your stool under a microscope. These situations are rare, and should be monitored by a health professional at all times.

If your labs do show some level of parastitic invasion, a more natural approach might actually be a better approach. Here is why- Using herbs and botanicals is recommended because it is more gentle on your system, has far less negative side effects, has other beneficial health benefits, will provide support to your gut while killing off pathogens, and simultaneously promotes energy production and toxic clearance. Not only that, but it can actually be less costly…. and just as effective as pharmaceuticals!

There are a number of herbs which are now being used to treat parasitic infections that are more effective than the typical oregano oil, wormwood, and black walnut hull combos used in the past. 

  1. Mimosa Pudica Seed (No, this does not involve you drinking OJ and champagne at brunch. I wish!)

This is a fern-like herb that has a history of being used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat everything from mood discorders to wound healing. Research is now showing that it can be used for issues such as depression, diarrhea, and for treating parasites. 

These seeds act much like chia seeds. When they come into contact with liquid, they swell and form a mucilaginous gel that becomes sticky and grabs onto toxins, bacteria, parasites and heavy metals in your GI tract. Exposure to the seed extracts has also been found in research labs to cause paralysis and death of parasites, ultimately being as effective as pharmaceutical agents for killing off these pesky critters.

2. Vidanga  This is a little shrub that grows in India. It looks a lot like black peppercorns, and is also used regularly in Ayurvedic medicine. In fact, there are claims that it has over 75 different uses in Ayrvedic remedies. 

The reason this fruit is so effective is because it contains powerful phytochemical, including plant tannins. These tannins prevent the parasitic worms from generating energy, and also bind to the proteins on their protective outer covering, leading to their death. This fruit extract in particular is very effective at fighting off parasites in their larval stage, which is preferred, since this keeps them from reproducing.

3. Neem This is another popular Ayurvedic medicine treatment. Neem contains over 300 different phytochemicals. Some of these have been shown in the lab to be effective at combating parasites specifically in the GI tract. Neem contains a phytochemical called arazadirachtin which is toxic to the nervous system of parasites. It also promotes their excretion in your stool. Win! Win!

4. Triphala  This is actually a combination of dried fruits from 3 fruits. Not only does this guard against parasites, it also promotes a healthy microbiome by helping your good gut bacteria flourish; and promotes regular bowel movements. Regular elimination is important for keeping all types of infection and dysbiosis in check, as well as keeping your overall toxic burden low.

5. Clove Clove oil can kill up to 30% of parasitic eggs, as well as hatched parasites. It is also known to kill off harmful bacteria as well as parasites (and is often used for treating tooth infections). It is very potent however, and should never be used topically without first diluting with a neutral non-therapeutic oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil). Direct ingestion or exposure to clove oil can burn the skin.

6. Holarrhena This one is new to me! The extract of holarrhena contains many phytochemicals, including alkaloids and tannins, which are useful in treating a variety of infections (both parasitic and bacterial). The tannins in this extract block a parasite’s energy production. This is also helpful in promoting regular bowel movements in order to expel these dead critters from your system.

Gross, I know. But that’s what we want to happen!

7. BioActive Carbon Binders Binders are super important during any type of detox, whether you are trying to clear mold or heavy metals, or trying to clear your system from a pathogenic infection.  Much like activated charcoal, these bind to biotoxins (mold, bacterial waste) and environmental toxins (heavy metals, chemicals). However, activated charcoal can bind to beneficial minerals in your gut, and result in deficiency if used often. Bioactive carbon binders latch onto the surface of the waste product- this includes the toxins that the bugs release as they die, as well as any other bacteria, heavy metals, mold, and viruses that are carbon based and available in your system to bind to. These carbon based binders grab onto toxins and help transport them out of your system. They even support mitochondrial energy production which could improve your overall energy— something that is definitely depleted when your body is fighting off invaders. 

The most important part of any “cleansing” program designed to kill-off pathogens (whether parasites, fungus, or bacteria) is to make sure that your body is being given the nutritional support that it needs. Often, these bugs interfere with your own energy production pathways, and cause your to be depleted of vital vitamins and minerals which are important enzymes for thousands of process in your body (including neurotransmitter regulation, energy production, and liver detoxification). 

It is important to speak with a professional before starting any parasite or bacteria “cleansing program” because it is imperative that you have proper nutritional support to promote healthy functioning liver, kidneys, and bowels in order to properly bind and expel these waste products. 

I’ve seen it too many times— Someone reads an interesting article or blog online that swears by the benefits of “killing off” the bugs inside us. The symptoms match what they are experiencing, and they jump in without making sure their body is ready for it…. ultimately feeling worse than they did before.

This is why so many people experience “detox symptoms”. They are told that this is normal, and to continue with the program. But that’s simply not true. If you are feeling awful during a cleanse, or a fast, or a program to kill off bacteria, fungi, or parasites- then you may be moving too quickly. Your body should be able to keep up with clearance at the rate that your are killing these guys off. The last thing you want to do is recirculate waste products in your system. 

*Please remember, this is educational information only, not medical advice. Please drop me a message if you think you have symptoms of a parasite infection, and I can help you figure out if that is truly what is causing your symptoms.



Be MINDFUL about your HEALTH

 A Fact Is Not a Reason

When it comes to our health, we are not all created equal. Just because the internet says that something is good for you— whether that be a supplement, a specific diet, or a treatment approach…. this does not mean that it will work for you. 

Nor does it mean that it is even what is ‘right for you’. 

The internet is filled with endless information. You can find a compelling argument for pretty much anything. 


We all have our favorite “experts” that we follow. The experts that we trust. 

The people that fill our instagram feed, our bookshelves, and our podcast lists.
Our own personal “gurus” so to speak.

And that’s great! We should all have some trusted health and wellness sources that we can turn to. But please remember that while they do mean well by the information they provide, these recommendations are not personalized to you.


The internet says a lot of things. And many of them are based on hard facts— True evidence-based science. But just because it was statistically proven in a research lab, it does not mean that it is what your body needs at this time.

* A fact does not equal a reason *

Whenever people ask me “should I take this?”— my response is always “what is your goal?

Before deciding what is right for you- it is super important to first identify what your health goals are, then recognize where you are currently, and also explore what you have tried in the past that has and hasn’t worked. Sometimes we are simply not seeing the big picture, and some labwork may be necessary to help guide this process.

I’ve been there too! I used to take all sorts of things because I read they would make me stronger, faster, leaner, smarter, live longer, have better skin, be bulletproof, never die… or whatever the latest reason was!!…. but now I know better.

So, my point is— please ask yourself what your goal is first. What is YOUR REASON for wanting to take that supplement?

It is okay to do your own research. Afterall, you do want to be knowledgable about the product you choose to take. But if it is something more than a daily vitamin or mineral supplement, then please consult with a healthcare professional to ask if that is actually is what YOU need to achieve your health goals.

This may save you a lot of time, money, frustation and even possibly prevent you from experiening negative side effects as a result of taking something your body didn’t need.

If you are currently taking 3 or more daily supplements, please reach out to me— Let’s make sure what you’re taking is what you actually need to acheive your health goals. It doesn’t hurt to ask.